Refurbish a BCI-2 | Make it new again
BCI-2 Refurbish credit:
- reset a BCI-2 with the latest software version
- make a BCI-2 universal again (multi vehicle)
- including a free INCAR instruction
Good to know:
- The BCI-2 must be equipped with a BCS-READY logo.
- Minimum order quantity 5 credits.
- Hardware (BCI) warranty applies from original purchase date / Full service on new software applies from date of refurbishment.
The first time you start using purchased refurbish credit, you need to download and install the Beijer CAN Controller (BCC) Service Tool application.
Beijer Service Tool requirements:
- BCI must have the BCS-Ready logo printed on the silver sticker.
- Windows 10 PC or laptop with a USB and internet connection
- USB-A (2.0) to Micro-USB (2.0) cable (carrying power and data!)
After you have placed an order, a Beijer sales representative will contact you to help you on the way.
Download here the Beijer Service Tool.
Downoad here the BCC user manual.